New year kick start with Zixana Android Application
- Shiv Pratap Singh
"We launched Zixana Andoid App from students and parents :-
It is very pleasing to inform you all that we launched our first version zixana android application. A better way to connect with your wards acadmic information in 21th Century. Now parents can login their accounts and get connect with zixana school, and you will always updated with their ward's information. Parent/Student can access given modules under zixana application :
Maintain profile
Daily & Monthly Addendance report
Results/Test Reports
School New & School upcoming Event's
Fee report
Pay online Fee (If School Opted)
It is not last there is many modules yet to come. You will get in with our upcoming updates. Please stay connected with us for latest updates.
Thank you for supporting us. Here is a Google Play store link Download Link you can download it from here or you can simplley search zixana on playstore.